Now today is almost over, it’s time to have a beer

To sit and put my feet up, while my thoughts are very clear

I’ll close my eyes and think about the days that’s now gone by

And dream of all the times I had when blue was in the sky


I often think about the times I had when working at Kincaids

To remember all the friends I made before my memory fades

From Arthur Street machine shop where I learned my skills

By working very hard each day to make sure I paid my bills


On next to East Hamilton Street, I was thrown into the fray

Where I soon made lots of new friends, many I still have today

First a gaffer then in management working hard in sales

Trying to get new orders with the pressure that entails


Now after many happy years, I have now luckily retired

My many years with Kincaids has now long but expired

So who knows what the future holds in the coming years

Like the Starship Enterprise, I’ll look for new frontiers


It’s great to have been among so many old friends tonight

We talked about the old times when we put the world to right

But the night is almost over and my thoughts they’re at an end

It has been a great night, I hope you enjoyed it my dear friend


So from all of us, to all of you, we bid you a safe journey home

Your company tonight has been a delight and so has this little poem

So although for over many years we've all learned different trades

History will record my friends we’ve all played our part at John G. Kincaid's.


Jim Goodall